Yellowstone Reports Feb 10th 2020, Part 1
I decided to skip the buffet breakfast at the Miners in Gardiner this morning and opted for a porridge pot and coffee from the gas station opposite. I’m glad I did.
Whilst my porridge was cooking in the Popty Ping (microwave for you non Welsh speakers) I ventured onto my snow covered balcony to take in the view and found myself staring at this Great Horned Owl taking shelter from some magpie’s in a nearby tree. The best wildlife sighting of the trip so far, food and dink provided.
View Of Gardiner from balcony, dusk.
stock photo
We entered the park today for the first time through the impressive Roosevelt Arch and headed for Mammoth Hot Springs where we walked down the lower terrace from Dryad and Canary springs down to the Minerva and Palette springs. Mammoth hot springs are made up from impressive travertine terraces caused by the super heated thermal waters below ground. One of the features of the area is the dead tree’s standing around the springs. Any vegetation growing around these areas is gradually killed by the calcium carbonate in the spring water.